Paul and Marcella Grendler – Ex Libris

I began acquiring book plates in Florence, Italy, in the 1960s. Most of the illustrated brown book plates come from a small stationary shop in Florence. I do not remember its name and I believe that it has disappeared. I purchased other book plates that pleased me wherever I found them.
I especially looked for book plates showing teachers, students, and readers, because much of my research has centered on schools, universities, humanism, and printing in Renaissance Italy. The book plates picturing sailing ships are for books on the history of Venice, another topic of my research. Two book plates commemorate living and doing research in Florence.
Marcella Grendler (1939-2022) was my wife. She shared her life with me for sixty years and I will never forget her.

In 2023, Paul F. Grendler donated his library to the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies. Ex-Libris from his collection are the subject of this virtual exhibition.

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