Jesuit Educational Quarterly – Index

Creator: A. Taiga Guterres

Description: Index of the Jesuit Educational Quarterly (1938–1970).

Criteria: Where names not indicated, the index has been left blank. Clear pseudonyms have been marked as non-Jesuit unless indicated with an “S.J.” Instances of non-numbered pages are indicated with no page number (e.g. Contributors page being between issues) or as inserts (e.g. Enrollment tables). Issue supplements are indicated with an ‘S’ next to the issue number. Names of Superior Generals in the authors columns have been standardized with common spellings (e.g. Peter Arrupe has been changed to Pedro Arrupe) but not changed in article titles. When certain longer clusters of works were included (e.g. proceedings of a workshop or conference), a separate entry has been entered when a clear marker in the text was made or when a new author was indicated.
